README.TXT **************************************** KUNG FU KIM **************************************** VERSION 1.0 COPYRIGHT 1997 BY CHAD FRICK **************************************** -------------------- RUNNING KUNG FU KIM: Run the program file KFK.EXE -------------------- PLAYING KUNG FU KIM: Hit "i" at the intro screen for instructions. Hit any other key to begin. Arrow keys control player movement. Hitting "ESC" at any time aborts game. Buttons at "Game Over" re-start or quit game. -------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: PC with 586 processor and Windows (3.X or above), 256+ colors, Sound card, Keyboard. -------------------- INSTALLATION: USE PKUNZIP or other decompression utility to unzip .ZIP file into desired directory. All you need to do is run the program file. Make sure Midi music files (.MID) are in the same directory as the program (KFK.EXE). -------------------- BUGS: WARNING: Slower computers (486 and less) may crash, especially if too many objects are on the screen at the same time.. but isn't that just the way? -------------------- CREDITS: DESIGN,ARTWORK AND PROGRAMMING: CHAD FRICK ORIGINAL MUSIC: BONNY FRICK BUG TESTING THANKS TO: HANNAH COLE JEFF DOERING JOHN FRICK -------------------- EMAIL CONTACT: CHADFRICK@COMPUSERVE.COM -OR- NAIAD@SIRIUS.COM -------------------- LEGAL: This program may be freely distributed in its current form as long as it is unaltered from its original state, distributed entire, with no elements missing, and free of charge. For other uses contact the email address above.